40 cosas de mi

By Johnny Darko
40 Facts about me:

1- What are your initials?

2- What is your favorite thing to wear?
pulceras de cuero

3-Who was the last person in your bed?

4-What were you doing at 7:00am?

5- Last person you hugged?
Mi hermana Lorena

6- When was your last encounter with the police?
Hoy por telefono, reportando una amenaza en el lugar donde trabajo

7- The last place you went out to dinner?
Tabu Sushi

8-Do you like your name?

9- What time of the day is it?
18:48 p.m

10- Who/What made you angry today?
La amenaza telefonica que recibi en el trabajo xD y el stress de tener que hacer todo yo

11- Baseball or Football?
Nada =)

12- Favorite holiday:
El dia del árbol

13- Do you download music?
Si, pero tambien compro los cd's

14- Opinion of Chinese symbol tattoo?
no me gustan

15- Do you like to cuddle?

16- Do you love anyone?
Aun no :(

17- Have you ever bungee jumped?

18- Have you ever gone white-water rafting?
En el rally en acapulco

19- Has anyone ten years older than you ever hit on you?
Sip, en el trabajo

20- Have you ever met a real redneck?

21- How is the weather right now?
Fresco, por fin empieza a cambiar el clima

22- What is your current favorite song?
Everdream de Nightwish

23- What was the last movie you watched?
The Other Boylen Girl

24- What is one thing you have learned this year?
Que aun pueod ir a la escuela xD

25- Have you ever fired a gun:
Solo rifle de postas xD

26- Are you missing someone?

27- Favorite TV show:
Desperate Housewives, Buffy y Lost

28- What do you have an obssesion with?

29-Are you afraid of falling in love?
No, me da miedo de QUIEN me enamore

30- Have you ever been caught doing something you werent suppose to?
Jajajajajajajaj yeah

31- Butter, plain, or salted popcorn?
extramantequilla plz

32- Ever been in a cop car in real life?

33- Our Lady Peace or Nickleback?
Nightwish =D

34- What is something that really bugs you?
Los grillos en epoca de lluvias

35- Taco Bell or Burger King?
Carl's Jr

36- Next time you will kiss someone?

37- What is the longest time you have gone without sleep?
2 dias

38- Last time you went bowling?
como 10 años xD

39- Where is the weirdest place you have slept?
ehm, el cafe torino me quede dormido con los ojos abiertos mientras mis acompañantes seguian platicando

40-What does your last received text message say?
Que porfavor pasara a pagar mi cuota del plan del celular xD

Dark Passion Play

By Johnny Darko

Why don´t we do it on a row...

By Johnny Darko
He estado viendo mucho Across The Universe, hay muchas opiniones encontradas respecto a la pelicula, que es un pretexto barato para vender mas discos de The Beatles, que no es original, que los personaje sno se desarrollan etc.
A mi en lo personal me encantaron los arreglos a las canciones, sin ser muy radicales estos a las ya obras maestras del "cuarteto de liverpool" =D siempre quize escribir eso o.o
Creo que los guionistas hicieron muy buen trabajo uniendo una historia atraves de canciones famosisimas, logrando desarrollar a los personjes atraves de las mismas (aunque hay algunos que estan comod e relleno, como Prudence, lo cual es una lastima)
Como sea, recomiendo mucho la pelicula, de los mejorsitos musicales de los ultimos años (mucho mejor que RENT) y el elenco esta bastante bien (mi gemelo xD- si claro-, Jim Sturgess, Evan Rachel Wood -la amo- etc)
En el trabajo todo equis, hable con mi jefe a ver que onda, si tengo chance de subir de puesto o ya de plano me estancare ahi para decirdirme a buscar otra cosa, aparte falto un tipo que ya voy a correr por que aparte que no lleva ni 2 meses trabajando y ya pidio permisos de dias, no se presento el dia que debia dejandonos todo el trabajo a 2 personas en un turno... eso no se hace Juanpi xD
Asi que si saben de alguien que quiera esclavizarse a Blockbuster ya saben donde pueden reclutarse.
Ah por cierto, odio a Sandra La Culote Estrioso

Video del día


me amenazaron hay que padre n_n

By Johnny Darko
Un wey puso esto en otra pagina de mi


xD creo que se equivoco de Juan Carlos pero well...

El juego del angel roolz por cierto, al igual quela nueva rola de Tarja que estreno en mexico =D!!
Aqui la dejo pa que la oigan.



By Johnny Darko

El Juego del Angel

By Johnny Darko
Wampiro reportandose:

Alguien se anima a ayudarme a robar un banco? me sobra un pasamontañas, lo que pasa es que tengo que pagar mi colegiatura de la carrera a la que aun no entro o.o

Se aceptan donaciones ^^...
Anyways, ayer me fui con los wandajones al london pub, y me embriague con astringosol... disque blue martini mis cojones, era astringosol, pero sabia bien y al menos las bacterias ya no siguen ahi.

Ahora a inaugurar el Starbucks con Mitzi, y mi librito nuevo El juego del Angel (de Carlos Ruiz Zafón), ojala viva a mis expectativas, ya que La sombra del viento del mismo autor fue genial.

Pues no mucho que reportar asi que una rolita de northern Kings bien chingona ^^
cover de don´t bring me down
Pd Amo finlandia ^^


Acapulco ON!!

By Johnny Darko
Ayer por la tarde salimos 3 compañeros de trabajo (entre ellos mi jefe) y yo, hacia la ocnvencion del trabajo en Acapulco.

A dos compañeras mas las dejo el avion xD asi que a ver como le hacen para llegar por su cuenta. Nos hospedamos en el Fairmont princess y todo bien, anoche fue puro alcoholismo con los jefes xD y ahorita me espera un rico y revitalizante esspreso.

Ahora es un dia libre, asi que a turistear por ahi, en otra chanze empiezo a poner algunas fotitos ^^
See ya

By Johnny Darko

Don´t Go

By Johnny Darko

By Johnny Darko
AND NOW A TAG. Because you just want to read about me. OF COURSE. not. 8D;

1) full name?
Juan Carlos San Vicente Magaña

2) male/female?

3) were you named after anyone?
Not that i know

4) does your name mean anything?
Juan means something related to love or smt like that

5) nickname(s)?

6) what do you think you look like?
Like an overweighted emo xD
Nah, a regular chubby guy with straight hair and a creepy smile

7) date of birth?
April 5th, 1985

8) place of birth and current location?
Navojoa Sonora, and i live in Hermosillo Sonora

9) nationality?
Mexican of course

10) astrology sign?
Aries ^^

11) chinese astrology sign?

12) religion?
I was Jehova´s witness, but now im not

13) what's your favorite smell?
Mint mocha, coffe in general

14) political position?
: D yeah that's a sexy one. No, I have no position yet.

15) what do you prefer to drink in the morning?
Coffee, hot as hell, black as the devil and sweet as love ^^

16) hair + eye color?
light brown

17) do you look like anyone famous?
Ehmm, once i was told i look like Emppu xD from nightwish, and Miss Turunen says that i look a little like the guy from across the universe

18) what do you look like?
Wasn't this question already asked before?

19) any unusual talents?
I can crack almost every bone in my body ~

20) righty, lefty, or ambidextrous?

21) gay, straight, bi, or other?
(What could the "other" option be? Like.. "non-sexually oriented"?)
straight i think

22) what do you do for a living?
I work at fuckbuster, i man blockbuster and hoping to go to design school

23) what do you do for fun?
I go out, party hard, drink till I drop, have sex everyni- 
Okay no.
I'm a loser so I stay at home and play my videogames.
and read, and draw

24) materials to work with?
Write down this:
1- Paper.
2- Pencils
3- Your hands
4- (Optional) Your head.

25) what kind of materials would you like to work with?
oils and pastels

26) have you met your grandparents?
Yup, unfortunately they passed last month

27) boyfriend/girlfriend?
:iconaiko-frikki: <3>

28) crush?
Crush? Destroy?
Nah, like someone said somewhere "someone who never existed".

29) what celebrity would you date if you could?
Ehm, Tarja Turunen, Tuomas Holopainen, Scarlet Johanson, Angelina Jolie, and jude Law

30) current worries?
Failing at life

31) favorite online guy/girl(s)?
i like real people better

34) do you burn or tan?
I'll sound like a lot of people here but.. I hate the sun.

35) ever break a bone?
Whew, nope, never. Not like it would be easy to break a bone if you spend all day sitting.

36) what is your favourite cereal?
corn pops

37) person you cry with?
i cry all the time

38) any sisters? 2 of them, 18 and 26. Just in case you're wondering ;D 

39) any brothers? nope.

40) any pets? A gay, snob cat.

41) an illness? Not really. I would seriously consider "extreme procrastination" an illness though. Maybe I'm just lazy. 

42) a pager? 

 43) a personal phone line? 
Of course, just dial 01 800 sexycarlos

44) a cell phone? 

 45) a visible birthmark? Not really, I do have a scar on my forehead 

46) a pool or hot tub? 
Hot tub, I hate pools.

 47) a car?
Yeah, a nightwish-filled car

48) personality? Strangely and EXTREMELY anti-social when it comes to classmates. I'm a typical loser guy who spends most of the time in front of the computer, or drawing, or playing videogames when I'm not studying. BUT. I don't wear glasses ...yet. 

49) driving? I'm quite good at it. Average driver. 

50) your clothing style? My base is dark tones + specific color. I don't wear 100% black. I'm tired of it, you see that EVERYWHERE nowadays. I just dress normally, just using dark tones. 

 51) room? 
a small one

52) what's missing?
love T___T

53) school?
almost finished

54) bed?
Right here, I should be heading to it very soon. 2am now. 

55) relationship with your parents?
A close one.

56) do you believe in yourself?
Sometimes I don't, I start losing faith on myself when it comes to having the will to do what I have to do in days when I don't want to do what I have to do. lol.

57) do you believe in love at first sight?
Yes and no.
Hmm? No because love at "first sight" would be purely based on appearance.
But yes, in the case you would start feeling something for the person since the first time you made contact with them.

58) consider yourself a good listener?
Yeah, but sometimes I should just say something.

59) have a future dream that you would like to share?
 work on the illustration part and continue living like that.

60) get along with your parents?
Caiman here, no problems.

61) save your e-mail conversations?
MSN conversations, yeah, they're useful sometimes.

62) pray?

63) believe in reincarnation?

64) brush your teeth twice a day?

65) like to talk on the phone?
not particularly

66) like to eat?
Durr, who doesn't?

67) like to exercise?
I'm... too lazy for that. I would love to. But I don't have the will.

68) like to watch sports?
.... NO. If I ever watch TV... I would watch cartoons.

69) sing in the car?
When I'm driving alone, YES. Very often. actually al the time, Nightwish in my car all day long =D

70) what is a dream that you have all the time?
not that i can remember

71) dream in color?
Yeah, I've actually never had black and white dreams that I remember.

72) do you have nightmares?
Lately.. nope, just sad dreams once in a while, but not really nightmares.
(Except one I had some months ago involving zombies, monsters, "teammates" killing themselves, running away, etc, it was scary as shit)

73) sleep with a stuffed animal?
Awwww. No D:

74) what's right next to you?
my cell

75) what's on your favorite mug?
my starbucks mug

76) what's on your mouse pad?
i don´t have a mouse pad, laptop here

77) your favorite flavor of gum?
tuti fruti o.o

78) your brand of deodorant?

79) your dream honeymoon spot?
Paris-... cliche =D

80) your dream husband/wife?
For some reason I can't imagine myself being an adult and having an adult life and being married and all that crap...

81) what's hiding in your closet?
According to an old joke with a friend, I had a bunch of gay underage kids from a teenage band, all tied up waiting for their turn.
But actually.... Hmm.. 
Old notebooks with old drawings and old comics and old stuff and-... stuff

82) under your bed?
garbage =D

83) the name of one of your closest/best friends?

84) your bad time of the day?
7 am mondays

85) your worst fear(s)?
To fail at life.

86) what's the weather like?
hot as hell

87) your favorite time of year?
Fall/winter seasons. If that's the case, winter holidays.

88) your favorite holiday?
No special holiday for me.

89) a material weakness?
movies and tv series boxsets, im adicted~

90) the weirdest food or drink that you like?
Hmm, interesting question. But a boring answer, I can't remember anything "weird"...

91) at the top of your "to do list"?
Study something related to art

92) the hardest thing about growing up?
SIGH. Everything? I would love to remain a kid, or go back a few years (but people would be missed).
The huge responsibilities that fall on your shoulders as you grow up, the weight of having to choose what you'll have to do for the rest of your life at the age of 18. plus im 23 already im a grown up, im a child grown up

93) a pet peeve?
... wut?

94) your scariest moment?
ghosts at work T__T

95) your attitude about love?
I think love is a splendid thing, love lift us up where we belong all you need is love!!!

96) the funniest or most desperate thing you've done?
hehehe im not gonna tell

97) the worst feeling in the world?
Hopelesness , mixed with a little bit of frustration and loneliness all together.

98) the best feeling in the world?

99) who sent this to you?
I stole this from Pairomaniac´s deviantart

100) People to send this to?
Uhm.. I think a lot of people has done this tag already, and I don't wanna pressure anyone since long tag is long.

Entwined in finding you one day

By Johnny Darko
Ever felt away with me? just once that all i need
Entwined in finding you one day
Ever felt away without me
My love it lies so deep
Ever dream of me


By Johnny Darko
Como no estoy inspirado para escribir el dia de hoy, les dejare algunos dibujos dibujados dibujosamente por mi.


The Islander

By Johnny Darko
Este video es de lo mejor del mundo, disfrutenlo *¬*


Ever Dream...?

By Johnny Darko
Dulces 23 *¬*

Ps asi es chicos y chicas sexys, el dia de hoy me les cumplo 23 añotes, siento que es un momento crucial y que he de compartir con ustedes toda la sabiduria que he recolectado en mis 23 primaveras (literalmente naci en primavera yey!!!!).

Vaya, esto tomara menos tiempo del que crei...
*cri cri cri*

Interpreten mi silencio. Solo me queda agradecer de verdad a mi familia y amigos por joderme la vida =D los amo.
Pensaba poner una entrada en el blog de verdad, pero eso romperia con el esquema de mi blog, que es un blog acerca de nada.
Por lo pronto, playita ON, espero disfurtar mucho, no intoxicarme con camarones... ni con mariscos jajaja.

Disfruten, se lo lavan and stay heavy.
Youtubesaso del dia

La rola del dia, cover de Symphony of Destruction de megadeath por Nightwish, como no =)

Pd. La tipa de la foto tiene una banana en la cabeza o.o
Pd 2. Esperen pronto la primer novela autobiografica de un grupo de exalumnos del ith "Pestañas asesinas" o pestañas sangrientas, aun no se define el titulo =)
Pd 3. Recibo regalos a la direccion de siempre


By Johnny Darko

Dark Passion Play...

Como debio sonar ^^


By Johnny Darko

Bye Bye Beautiful y Dark chest of wonders

Con anette T_T

Creo que mañana golpearan emos en mi ciudad .__.



By Johnny Darko

Mechanical Poet roxx


Category: , , , By Johnny Darko

Beauty & The Beast \m/

Una de las mejores rolas de NW en una de las mejores versiones *¬*



By Johnny Darko
Erase una vez un chico solitario que tenia como 300 000 cuentas porinternet y todas abandonadas... Y ahora le dio por escrbir tonterias en blogger.
Pero bueno, no quiero que esto se convierta en un blog emo mas... justo lo que el mundo necesita jejeje.

No tengo un tema en especifico, asi que solo escribire tonteria aleatorias que se me ocurran, y como es la 1:46am y tengo qu abrir en el trabajo, sera una entrada corta.
Ok, pongamos cosas que debes saber de mi, bueno no tienes que, puedes seguir tu vida sin aberlas, y nisiquiera son tan interesantes puero bueno, ahi van

-Me gusta mucho leer, dibujar y ver peliculas
-nunca me he roto nada
-no soy emo
-me he enamorado 2 veces
-una fue correspondida, creo
-trabajo en blockbastard
-he visto y leido entrevista con el vampiro 15 y 4 veces respectivamente
-apesto en los videojueos de disparos en primera persona
-los carbohidratos son mi debilidad
-mi muela del juicio viene chueca
-ya casi me titulo de una carrera que no me gusta
-Donnie Darko es mi idolo
-coleccino peliculas, tickets de cine, etc...
-soy muy lloron lol
-soy adicto al cafe
-nunce me he tatuado
-ni perforado
-creo que la religion es una tonteria, despues de haber sido religioso devoto 20 años de mi vida
-tengo 22 años
-y 8 meses
-quiero estudiar diseño
-creo en los vampiros o.o
-como quesadillas como 4 veces por semana
-y cafe a diario
-he entrado al gym 4 veces
- y las 4 he durado como promedio 2 meses xD
-se manejar estandard
-y ya me dio sueño...
